Key Points:

  • Quantity in portfolio is not that important. Focus on quality.
  • The ideal format for the portfolio is a PDF file. Add links, images, graphics, etc.
  • Before sending your portfolio to clients, send this to a few trusted friends and run multiple proofs.

Creating A Winning Portfolio

One way to get more work as a freelancer is by having the best portfolio. And this simply does not mean having more work to show, but making it look and feel attractive. Clients looking for talent read hundreds of profiles every day, so making it the best is essential.

Let’s call this process showing-off! We can break this down into three phases.

Show What’s Good 

A portfolio is not just about showing everything you have done but cherry-picking the best of the lot and only showcase those aspects. Be it names of the clients, your published work, or your achievements. One does not need to present a barrage of information. 

Keep in mind that quantity is not essential. Focus on quality. Have fewer pages, fewer selections but keep all the information relevant. Winning an essay contest in college is not relevant information; that’s a way to fill up space. 

Here are some sections you can focus on when making a portfolio: 

  • Introduction 
  • What You are working on currently (very essential for freelancers) 
  • Work (divided by types of projects) 
  • Past Clients 
  • Sample Work
  • Personal Strengths/Aspects 
  • Contact Information 

To further understand how to grow your portfolio and reach out to more clients, you must tune into the Elevate Summit by Pepper Content. Speakers like Devaiah Bopanna, Vaibhav Sisinty, and Varun Dugirala have many gems and insights to offer. 

Show It Well 

Now that you have all the information find a way to present it well. You cannot expect to submit a word file or google-docs file and win a potential client’s attention. The portfolio should have a perfect balance of aesthetics and readability. 

For example, use a combination of two or three colors rather than keeping them monochrome. Use the logos of past clients rather than just their names. Hire a designer, or use a free tool like Canva to make the portfolio better looking. 

The ideal format for the portfolio is a PDF file. Add links, images, graphics, etc., to showcase more information. Keep your designs minimal. Use tools like bullet points, tables, and charts to make details easy to read. 

Show More Than Your Work 

Your portfolio is not your resume. Think of this as your dating profile for a professional setup. You have to add your own personality into this too. Make the portfolio as “you” as possible. Share personal stories, achievements, and strengths. 


Before sending your portfolio to clients, send this to a few trusted friends and run multiple proofs. Here is what you are looking out for:

  • Spelling and grammatical errors. 
  • Readability. 
  • Colors and consistent fonts.
  • Format and structure.

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