Ever come across advice on LinkedIn that just didn’t work out for you? We do too. Content creators and brands tend to believe a lot of myths that are anything from untrue to an oversimplification.
So we’ll be debunking some of those myths today.
1. Content is the most important component of web presence
It is certainly important, but in a competitive market, you cannot underestimate the importance of design. Design and content support and complement each other. Companies often overemphasize one and take shortcuts with the other.
2. The more content you create, the better it is
This myth comes from the early days of SEO and social media algorithms rewarding the volume of content. But the game is different now. Quality is more important than quantity.
3. We need to have a presence on every platform
No, you don’t need a presence on every content channel. Only establish yourself in content channels that are relevant and likely to impact your business. Engage users where they hang out.
4. Editing software can easily fix up writing problems
Softwares like Grammarly, Hemingway, etc. while very useful to identify small grammatical errors, have not reached a point where they can replace human editors or fix up bad writing. You can’t just have anyone create content and expect automation to make it impeccable. For writers, this means that you’re still relevant and there’s no replacing a skilled writer.
5. The language should be simple / The language should be of a high standard
They are both oversimplifications. Surprised?
The level of complexity of language use in the content depends on the target audience. If the target audience is young and not very highly educated, it’s better to go with simple language. If the audience is college professors, a little complexity could work very well.
The world of content marketing is highly dynamic. Domains evolve along with technology, and algorithms change frequently. It’s important to stay updated and know what’s trending and what’s irrelevant. Always stick to the basics and think like a reader.