webriy by webriy

How to use Google Analytics in 2024! [Complete Guide]

Google Analytics, also commonly known as “GA”, is an analysis tool capable of giving you an in-depth look at the performance of your website or mobile application. It integrates seamlessly with other Google-branded marketing and advertising platforms and products, such as Google Ads, Search...

webriy by webriy

User Consent: Why March 2024 is an important date?

For several years, regulations concerning the processing of personal data and the free and informed consent of users in the collection of this data have accumulated. Advertisers and marketing experts have had to adapt to cope with these changes which have impacted the...

Unlock Your Blog’s Earning Potential: Top 5 Fixed Monetization Platforms for Publishers in 2024
webriy by webriy

Unlock Your Blog’s Earning Potential: Top 5 Fixed Monetization Platforms for Publishers in 2024

Looking to boost your online earning through fixed monetization platforms in 2024? We’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ll explore the top five platforms that offer consistent and reliable income streams. Plus, don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your earnings by...

webriy by webriy

Post a Review on Glassdoor

How to Respond After You Post a Review on Glassdoor Once you’ve posted a review on Glassdoor, how do you respond? Here are a few tips to address any negative feedback. Whether it’s a negative review or you’d like to thank your employees for sharing their experiences, these tips will help you...

webriy by webriy

Neuromarketing, what is it? Why is it useful?

Today, thanks to web analytics and tracking tools, marketers can track almost everything, from the number of views or shares on social networks, to the evolution of your return on investment in real time. However, there are still important elements that technological analysis struggles...

webriy by webriy

What is a mood board?

Graphic designers and other communication professionals, go your way. This article is intended for novices who, like us, had never heard of a mood board or mood board for bilinguals. A mood board is a collage or rather an assembly of images, fabrics, objects aimed at expressing an idea or a...

webriy by webriy

Coursera Agile by Atlassian Jira – Module 1 Answers

1.Which one of the following statements about agile approaches to developing products is true? They are iterative but not incremental. They are not iterative and not incremental. They are incremental but not iterative. They are iterative and incremental. 2.Which one of the...

webriy by webriy

Creating Mood Boards Using Canva

Mood Boards on Canva Firstly intended to be a design operation, Canva offers numerous models for creating mood boards. You can choose from hundreds of layouts and indeed produce your own design. This easy-to- use drag-and- drop tool, still, offers professional- position templates that...

webriy by webriy

4 Tips to make a successful Ecommerce Platform

The e-commerce sector has taken advantage of Internet and there were more than 40 million online buyers at the end of 2021, almost 2 million more than the previous year. The other side of the coin for digital commerce players is that more and more companies and physical businesses have created...

webriy by webriy

How to use Netlinking to improve your SEO [Tip]

Netlinking, link building: weaving links to better cling to the web of the WEB Links are one of the fundamental elements in an SEO natural referencing optimization strategy and netlinking consists precisely of building links in order to make a website much more visible on search...