Have you ever noticed that you are often able to instantly identify a business or brand by seeing its logo, even if its name is not on it? Perhaps you have also observed that although you have never heard of a business, sometimes you can correctly guess the nature of its business when you see its logo for the first time. Logos, which are real symbols, are a succinct and effective way to communicate information about your business.
The word “logo” is actually an abbreviation of the word logotype, which comes from the Greek, “logos”, which means “word” and “typos”, which means “impression”.
A logo is an essential part of your business brand that has a significant impact on public perception. It will help you build your brand identity and be an important part of your business DNA. In fact, a logo is one of the most important brand investments a business can make.
Whether you’re planning your brand’s upcoming launch , or just need a new logo, we’ll look at how to approach logo design from all angles later in this article.
Choosing the right type of logo for your brand
There are several types of logos, consisting of either images, letters, or both.
Here are the main ones:
– Monograms
What is called monogram is in fact a logo that takes the initials of the brand, but with a very specific design to make it recognizable.
Think of Louis Vuitton , IBM, or CNN.
It is a very popular type of logo, which among other things allows you to transform a long and complex company name into a few letters that are easy to remember. In addition, it is relatively easy to create.
– Letter logos
The letter logo takes the initial of a brand, and it is therefore a type of logo whose minimalism must be offset by a certain creative and graphic audacity, for example by using striking typography and colors. Some big brands like Yahoo and Mc Donalds have done quite well.
– Logotypes, or word-symbols
It is a variety of frequently used logo which takes the name of a brand in full. The advantage is that the public immediately knows who they are dealing with, and many international companies with catchy names have adopted it: Coca-Cola, Subway, Uber, etc.
– The pictograms
Pictograms are icons, images, or drawings with simple outlines that represent a real or concrete object, such as the shell of the oil company Shell, the little blue bird on Twitter, the play button on YouTube, or the famous apple of Apple. The pictograms allow you to communicate explicitly and creatively about your activity.
– Abstract logos
Like pictograms, abstract logos boil down to an image, but as the name suggests, they conjure up an idea or concept, something that does not exist in reality. It’s a double-edged type of logo: it lets your imagination run wild, but if it’s too vague or lacks depth, it will be invisible.
– The mascots
Mascots are particularly popular with businesses that target a family audience, such as Colonel Sanders of KFC, Kellog’s Rooster, Malabar Chewing Gum or Pere Dodu. This type of logo undeniably gives a feeling of human warmth and good nature to the brands that adopt it.
There are other common types of logo, such as the combination between a logotype and a pictogram, which we see for example at Lacoste, Pizza Hut, Rolex, or Airbnb, we also have dynamic logos, which adapt according to the medium. chosen or a given context, and finally the “emblem” logos, which resemble coats of arms, such as the beer brand Stella Artois.
What makes a good logo?
Before you jump right into creating a logo for your business, ask yourself what makes a good logo. This is certainly a subjective question, but we believe that a good logo must have the following 3 qualities:
– Clarity
A good brand logo design should be easy to learn and understand. After all, the role of a logo is to clearly convey the name, values, and purpose of your business.
– Memorability
Your logo should be striking and unforgettable. This notion of memorability can be achieved through a number of factors. It can be boiled down to the word used in the logo. For example, Google is a name that will not be forgotten.
This can come from the colors, shapes, or typography used in your logo design.
– Personality
The personality of your brand must absolutely be conveyed through the design of your logo. It can for example have an appearance of serious, or be original and fun. It is the nature of your business that will determine the personality of your logo.
How to create your logo
There are a lot of different ways to create a logo design for your business, which are mainly going to depend on your financial means and the size of your company.
You can use the services of professionals and a logo design agency if you are starting a large business and have the time and budget for your logo design.
It is also possible to collaborate with a freelance graphic designer, and get a high quality logo for a reasonable amount.
But today, it is possible to create a logo yourself, as long as you have the talent and the necessary tools. There are a number of really good graphic design software out there, like Adobe Illustrator, Esquisser, or Figma. But be careful, because these logo creation tools take some time to learn and can be relatively expensive, especially for someone starting a small business.
Fortunately, there are free tools that allow you to create your own logo online.
So why not use a website to generate your logo for free?
With the tools that we are going to see now, you will be able to create your own professional logo in a few minutes.
Thanks to some platforms like Tailorbrands , logobly, Namecheap, Canva, Ucraft, and many others, it is possible to create a perfect logo in high resolution with just a few clicks.
The typical logo design process with a free logo generator
Finally, let’s see how to create a professional looking logo with one of the free tools that are easily found on the web, mentioned above, Tailobrands.
1- Enter the name of your company
To get started, enter your business name or brand name along with your purpose and purpose as a business.
2- Choose the type of logo that suits you
You will have the choice between several types of logos, like the ones we have seen before: monograms, logotypes, pictograms, etc.
3- Select one or more fonts
Next, you have to choose a font, first indicating your typography preferences, and the tool will advise you on fonts whose style will match the personality of your business.
4- Create your logo
Then with the help of a real logo maker, you can freely choose the shapes, styles, patterns and designs you prefer and the tool will generate multiple variations.
5- Customize your logo
When your logo is generated, it is still possible to personalize it in an editing studio. At this point, you can still change the colors and the font.
6- Upload your logo
When you like the end result, it’s time to upload your creation. There are usually several kinds of high-quality files (EPS, SVG, vector, etc.) to choose from, so that you can easily integrate your work into your website.
Note that with this type of platform, it is often possible to also create any type of medium used to communicate your brand identity, such as business cards, banners, etc.
From then on, you have all the cards in hand to imagine and create a logo that matches your brand’s identity and that can help you stand out from the crowd.