Successful Business Development

Key Points:

  1. Know Your Competition
  2. Add Value and Build Trust
  3. Use Testimonials smartly
  4. Keep an Eye on Online Reviews
  5. Ask for the Business Collab
  6. Pay Attention to Your Website
  7. Don’t Let Relationships Go Cold
  8. Beat Your Competitors to the Punch

Acting at the right time is essential to turn your business vision into a viable reality. However, without proper planning and strategy, any action can have dire consequences.

A well-designed and concrete commercial action plan (often abbreviated as “PAC”) is one of the keys to the success of your strategic business vision. Plus, a PAC makes it easy to track progress and help you achieve your goals.

A good business action plan can be like a roadmap that will lead your business to success. A comprehensive plan should detail all the information about your goals and how you plan to achieve them, and it indicates all of the things you need to consider to achieve your goals, such as resources needed, milestones, performance indicators. to be taken into consideration, etc.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to build a CAP that’s built to meet your goals, but let’s start by defining more precisely what a business action plan is .

What is a business action plan?

The commercial action plan is the essential management tool for your sales force. This document will be used to make the link between your strategic business plan and its operational implementation. The CAP contains all the objectives, actions and means that will have to be implemented by your teams, step by step.

A business action plan will give your teams the trajectory to follow in order to carry out all the actions or steps that you need to accomplish to achieve the objectives defined in your business strategy. It’s a crucial part of your strategic process that will help you dramatically improve your team’s work planning.

In addition, an appropriate action plan undoubtedly makes it possible to manage your projects more efficiently: under have all the essential information in a centralized document that your team can access, making it easier for everyone to track progress. or on the contrary to notice any delays or problems more quickly. As the stages of your CAP flow together, you can make changes to your roadmap more easily to meet new circumstances because you have a plan.

Planning the action items helps entrepreneurs prepare to overcome the obstacles ahead. In addition, it increases the productivity of everyone in the company and allows everyone to stay focused on regulated tasks like music paper.

Why is a business action plan vital?

Here are some of the reasons that creating a business action plan is vital to your business and its business development:

  • It gives you clear direction by outlining precisely the steps you need to take to achieve your goals, and how to accomplish them.
  • Having your objectives noted on a document with structured steps helps keep your team members motivated and dedicated throughout the project, and ensures optimal internal communication.
  • You can assess your progress and that of your teams constantly to achieve collective goals more easily
  • It helps you develop the concepts of responsibility and efficiency within all components of your business, from management to sales, including the marketing department.

How to develop your business action plan?

At first glance, creating a business action plan to guide your business strategy seems easy enough. There are, however, several essential steps that must be followed carefully in order to get the most out of your CAP.

Here’s how to write a 7-step business action plan:

Step 1: Define your business goals

If your goals aren’t clear from the start about what you plan to do and what you want to accomplish, your action plan is doomed.

You must set commercial objectives that meet SMART criteria (acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely), whether these are objectives related to the development of your turnover, the number of leads generated, to the looking for new customers, etc.

Thanks to SMART objectives, you will more easily define your CAP, and ensure that it is:

  • Specific: well defined, clear and understandable
  • Measurable: includes measurable performance indicators to monitor progress, such as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Achievable: feasible with resources, time, experience, etc. that you have
  • Realistic: Aligns perfectly with the business vision you have developed, and is perceived as achievable by your team
  • Temporary: is limited in time, your CAP starts and ends on specific dates.

Step 2: List the steps to follow

Now that the objectives are clear, it remains to detail how to achieve them. To do this, create a basic table template that will be used to list all the actions and tasks to be performed, and in which the due dates and responsible persons will be indicated.

It is important to make sure that all your teams are involved in this process and have access to the document. In this way, everyone will be aware of their roles and responsibilities in the project.

Also make sure that each task is clearly defined and achievable. If you have bigger and more complex tasks, break them down into smaller tasks that are easier to perform and manage.

You can use a RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed) matrix template to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each.

Step 3: prioritize tasks and add deadlines

It’s time to rearrange the list by prioritizing the tasks. You may need to prioritize some steps because they can block other substeps.

Add deadlines and make them realistic. Consult with the person responsible for its execution to better gauge their capabilities before deciding on a deadline.

Step 4: Define Milestones

Milestones, or “milestones” in English, can be thought of as mini-goals that will lead you to the end goal. By adding milestones to your CAP, you will instill in your team members a sense of expectation that will help them stay motivated, even if the final deadline is far away.

To do this, start from the end goal and go back by setting milestones. Don’t space these milestones too much (two weeks seems like a reasonable amount of time).

Step 5: Identify the resources needed

Before starting your project, it is crucial to make sure that you have all the necessary resources and means to carry out all your actions. And if these resources are not currently available, you must first ensure that you acquire them.

This obviously includes your budget. You can assign a column in your business action plan to the cost of each task, if applicable.

Step 6: Visualize your action plan

The goal of this step is to create a document that anyone can understand at a glance and that can be shared with everyone.

Whether your action plan is in the form of a flowchart, Gantt chart, or table, make sure it clearly communicates the elements we’ve identified so far – actions, no one in charge, deadlines, resources, etc.

This document must be easily accessible to all and modifiable.

Step 7: Monitor, Evaluate and Update

Allow time to review the progress you are making with your team as you implement your CAP. These can be simple things, like marking a completed action as “completed” on your board, and adding notes on how you have progressed towards the goal.

This step is also used to identify pending or delayed tasks, in which case you should identify the reasons that caused these delays and find appropriate solutions.

And then if the circumstances require it, you will need to update your business action plan.


Creating and implementing a well thought out business action plan is essential if you want to grow the business performance of your business.

A business action plan will guide you in achieving your business goals, transforming your strategic vision into achievable sub-goals, materialized by a series of steps.

The PAC is therefore an essential tool, which can condition the development and growth of your business, by allowing you to check whether your annual objectives have been achieved over a given period. It is a document that must be included in your business plan.

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